It may take some time to get used to it, but you can certainly have  interactive and educational piano lessons via the Internet. Piano lessons via Skype are becoming increasingly popular because there are also many advantages:

  • Saving time and energy: you stay at home, in your own familiar environment and you play on your own instrument. Also there are no travel costs and therefore environmentally friendly 😊
  • Always possible anywhere you are located
  • You can also alternate between regular lessons and skype lessons and could be a simple way to catch up on the missed lessons
  • With your approval, the lessons can also be recorded so that you can watch it again later

Requirements for the lesson:

  • Laptop or  tablet/Ipad  with a camera and microfone
  • Skype / Zoom account the installed app on your device
  • Good internet connection
  • A tripod or table to set a good camera position with your instrument